Tuesday 14 April 2020


To make a whipped cream, you must:

The cream reveals, enhances and fixes the most subtle aromas and softens the flavors which will sometimes dominate a dish too much.
It can thus reduce acidity, bitterness or cleanliness.
Ex: the acidity of a tomato soup

The cream with its nuanced whiteness of ivory captures both the colors and the aromas.
It allows to shade in intensity the green, the red, the mauve, the orange… and will give to your preparations a visual, artistic and creative side.

It's the touch of cream in a puree, in a soup or simply as it is on vegetables, on rice or pasta or in desserts on red fruits, on a tarte Tatin…

1. Use a liquid (fluid) whole cream whether it is a fresh whole cream (whipping cream ) or a UHT fluid whole cream . In other words, a cream that contains at least 30% fat (like Excellence Elle & Vire Professionnel cream, which for example has 35% fat and which offers pastry chefs excellent resistance).

2. It is of course necessary to take a whole liquid cream (and not thick). The result will only be better (with a thick cream this is possible but the process is much more delicate because it is then necessary to relax the cream by adding 10 to 20% milk to the thick cream). 

3. The cream and ideally the bowl like the whisk should be very cold . Because if your cream is not cold, you will not be able to make it profuse and it will eventually turn to butter. So the cream minimum 1 hour in the cold part of the refrigerator and do not hesitate to put bowl and whisk in the freezer so that they are very cold too. 

If your cream is not very cold, you can put your bowl with the cream on a bowl with ice cubes. 

If you want to know more about heavy cream and whipping cream then check this must.

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